Saturday, April 25, 2009

faeries. because i felt like doing it.

just a little something to keep me busy. nothing special at all.
the flowers, mushroom, and wing photographs come from the stock sections on deviantart.
photo of me taken by myself, photo of john taken by jacqui.


Tuesday, April 14, 2009


On, an ABJD forum, I entered into a contest in the Fun&Games section. Called America's Next Top Doll Model, inspired by Tyra Banks' America's Next Top Model, I thought it'd be pretty fun, since I LOVE ANTM. Of my two dolls, I entered Vestige, since I hardly ever take pictures of him, which is really a shame since he's gorgeous. After the initial auditions [a character profile for the doll as well as a picture or two] he made the Top 13 [ranked 5th if I remember].

Our first assignment was to photograph our doll dressed only in ribbon against a white backdrop. Fail for me, I couldn't find white space in my house and resorted to using a scarf, which was kinda see through. Uncool. The point of this photograph is for the composite photo in which all the dolls would be shopped together in a collage and as the competition progresses and dolls are eliminated, their picture would be removed from the main photo. Because of this, I didn't bother trying to make the composition gorgeous since there were strict guidelines of it being a full body standing shot and it would be edited into a larger picture anyway.

The picture above was just one for me. <3

I hope Vestige makes it to the top. Haha.

This is the image I chose for his final shot.

I really need to blush his body...he's so white.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Spring Boredom -Miyavi Style-

What a boring day. I hate sundays, I never have anything to do.
Meh. Put on some make up and went outside to take some random pictures. I'm seriously loving that skin improving technique from photoshop essentials. It's just love, seriously.

mm...side walk.

and because i thought this picture made a good CD cover :]

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Background Brushing

"Lyke, wtf?"

Johnny all confused. Now we know why. He sees things, now we see them. Crazzyy.

Used the inkdrop brush and border brushes [that i don't know the name of]. Kept the inkdrops dark blue to match his shirt. If the background weren't already white, I'd have used white instead.

Mm. Not much to say.

Fight 2

yay fire brushes!