Tuesday, April 14, 2009


On DenOfAngels.com, an ABJD forum, I entered into a contest in the Fun&Games section. Called America's Next Top Doll Model, inspired by Tyra Banks' America's Next Top Model, I thought it'd be pretty fun, since I LOVE ANTM. Of my two dolls, I entered Vestige, since I hardly ever take pictures of him, which is really a shame since he's gorgeous. After the initial auditions [a character profile for the doll as well as a picture or two] he made the Top 13 [ranked 5th if I remember].

Our first assignment was to photograph our doll dressed only in ribbon against a white backdrop. Fail for me, I couldn't find white space in my house and resorted to using a scarf, which was kinda see through. Uncool. The point of this photograph is for the composite photo in which all the dolls would be shopped together in a collage and as the competition progresses and dolls are eliminated, their picture would be removed from the main photo. Because of this, I didn't bother trying to make the composition gorgeous since there were strict guidelines of it being a full body standing shot and it would be edited into a larger picture anyway.

The picture above was just one for me. <3

I hope Vestige makes it to the top. Haha.

This is the image I chose for his final shot.

I really need to blush his body...he's so white.


Olive Tree said...

Hi, it's a very great blog.
I could tell how much efforts you've taken on it.
Keep doing!

creative_genius said...

woah.. vestige without clothes. I was shocked. Male nudity should be forbidden... lol. it is a great shot!